At click360SelfDrive, we’ve had years of experience in delivering 360 feedback and these days nearly all our coaching is offered virtually via an online meeting platform. We split the coaching sessions into two parts: coaching session #1 and coaching session #2.
The first coaching session predominantly focuses on exploring the 360 feedback report with the individuals, understanding the key messages coming through and resolving any areas of ambiguity or conflict, whereas the second session focuses on creating robust action plans, reviewing progress and evaluation.
Even if you are not using one of our accredited coaches - you’re doing the coaching yourself or training internals (such as line managers) to do the coaching - the steps outlined in this blog will be of great value to you.
One of the most important outcomes of 360-degree feedback is the data that the coach uses for coaching participants about their strengths and development needs, how they are perceived, and what they need to do in order to achieve a higher level of performance and positive impact. At click360SelfDrive we gather a combination of qualitative and quantitative feedback through a detailed 360 questionnaire.
Who Can Be a 360 Feedback Coach?
In an ideal scenario, a professional 360 degree feedback coach will be available to carry out this process. You can find a range of 360 feedback coaches online and across LinkedIn. At click360SelfDrive we work with the best and offer a range of accredited coaches to support your 360 feedback process.
If a professional coach is not available, or if budgets don’t allow for it, the next best scenario is to invest in your own people. Training someone from inside the organisation on how to deliver 360 feedback coaching is a great way to upskill, build trust and reinvest in your own talent. This individual must be trained on an accredited 360 coaching programme.
We encourage organisations to invest in their own people, but not without proper training. While we applaud the idea of developing line managers to coach their direct reports following a round of 360s, we remind you that 1) line managers are usually pretty busy with BAU; 2) some are not always so interested in staff development and 3) they are often poorly equipped to do so. That’s why at click360SelfDrive, we offer a range of accredited training courses to get your coaches up to scratch in no time!
An important aspect to note is that our digital 360 feedback reports offer an integrated workbook, meaning a coach isn't always necessary. The digital workbook acts as a virtual coach, guiding the participant through the report, asking questions and probing where needed. There are ample opportunities throughout the workbook for participants to capture their reflections. Of course, nothing can replace the quality of human interaction, which is why we always suggest having a 360 coach where possible.
As a 360 feedback coach your role is to:
- Firstly introduce the participant to the report
- Set the context for the 360 feedback
- Ask questions to help the individual identify their key strengths and opportunities for development
- Guide the individual to focus on the future and developing over the long term, rather than dwelling on past or current performance
- Help them to narrow down their feedback to areas for focus
- Offer constructive advice and support on any questions the participant may have
As a 360 feedback coach your role is not to:
- Provide judgement on the feedback they’ve received (e.g. “Well done, that’s the best thing to be good at” or “That’s bad, I’d be worried about …”)
- Give your own feedback on their behavior (unless specifically asked)
- Try to 'fix' or solve anything that you see as a problem
- Tell them what you think they should focus on.
360 Group Coaching Workshop
Individual coaching sessions allow participants a chance to open up to the coach on a one-to-one, private level. However, if your organisation has multiple participants involved in the 360 feedback process, and you’re looking for economies of scale, you may choose to offer a physical or even virtual group 360 coaching session. Many organisations actually find it more effective to conduct a group coaching workshop in order to debrief 360 assessment results and start the action planning process. This group workshop can involve up to any number of participants, with smaller breakout sessions of around 3 colleagues each where they can go into more detail.
At click360SelfDrive we offer a template for running a group 360 feedback coaching session; this group session is intended to be a face-to-face, physical group event, but with the changing environment, this has been adapted to a virtual world and is just as effective via a couple of short Zoom sessions (other online meeting platforms are available!).
How Long Does a 360 Feedback Coaching Session Last?
The first individual coaching session typically lasts for 75 minutes delivered virtually via Zoom. It’s an intense opportunity to ask questions, reflect and digest the report, with the support of the 360 coach.
A group coaching session will last a full day, with smaller breakout sessions throughout, giving the opportunity for each participant in the group to raise any questions and better understand the results.
Objectives of a 360 Feedback Coaching Session
- Debrief participants (coachees) on the feedback process
- Help participants understand their feedback and possible interpretations
- Enable participants to gain deeper personal awareness and perspective on personal impact
- Focus first on key strengths, then on potential areas for development
- Help participants to analyse and interpret the graphs and the written comments that support the data
- Surface “undiscussable” issues and concerns, and begin a dialogue about them
- Help to resolve apparent areas of ambiguity or conflict
- Encourage participants to look for patterns or trends
- Focus on natural strengths, talents, and skills, as well as potential derailers
- Create a preliminary development plan
- Introduce the checking out process and the next steps
A realistic outcome of this first coaching session is to identify at least one key strength and up to 3 key development priorities. In the digital workbook there is a section (Step 6) where participants are encouraged to complete the following grid:

If you are currently carrying out your own 360 feedback implementation and are in need of a trained 360 coach, or an accredited coach training programme, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Or register now to start the 360 feedback process today.